Migration Policy

Students who are on deferment of studies, failed, have less than 75% attendance or expelled in current semester cannot be migrated to another university. Students with unforeseen disability may apply to the executive committee of ministry of higher education who may consider the case for relaxation and grant approval for migration.

The procedure of migrating to another university

MoHE announces processing migration applications in two rounds in a given year. First; in August and September and Second; in January and February each year.

  1. Obtaining migration form from MoHE in due dates
  2. After filling the form, obtaining agreement from the current university
  3. Submitting the form to the directorate of private universities’ students who would ask the university to share information about the status of the student
  4. Presenting the processed form to the current University to share the status of the applicant with the mentioned directorate
  5. After the legibility of migration is established, the student will be provided an approval letter from the directorate of private universities’ students at MoHE and will be referred to the new target university
  6. The student is actually transferred to the new host university where he can continue his studies